KYA BABALL Lyrics, MP3 - Bina Raut
Kya Babaal is a latest trending Nepali song on tiktok and many other social platform. This song gone viral within the day of release of song. The Lyrics of the song is written by MONI KHALING. The Vocal in the Kya baball song is given by SUVASH DHUNGANA. The star cast used in the song are ROSHAN NEPALI and BINA RAUT. Kya Baball Full Video Kya Babal Lyrics **Music** Kya baball cha... Kya baball cha... Kya baball cha kanchi Timro Rup ra figure baball baball.. Tesaile ta chalirahanxa Yo maan ma Triger, Kya baball cha kanchi Timro Rup ra figure Tesaile ta chalirahanxa Yo maan ma Triger, To be continued.. Comming Soon ! You may also Like Ae mutu Lyrics Oye Kanchi Lyrics If you have any queries related to this song then you can comment down below. You can also give feedback and suggestion if there is any mis-word. Hope you like the song. You can also connect ...