SURER BAGAN LYRICS - Chandrika , Ranajoy | Doublemint Freshtake
Song information
Surer Bagan is a latest song sung by Chandrika Bhattacharya & Ranajoy Bhattacharjee. The Lyrics of the song is written by Ranajoy Bhattacharjee.
Song Title |
Surer Bagan |
Singer | Chandrika Bhattacharya & Ranajoy Bhattacharjee |
Lyrics | Ranajoy Bhattacharjee |
Music | Ranajoy Bhattacharjee |
Producer | Ranajoy Bhattacharjee |
Youtube channel |
Songfest India |
Release date |
August 26,2020 |
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Surer Bagan Lyrics
Dure dure thaka
Tui chhara aka
Tobu lukiyei dekha
Kikore boli toke
Jotoi tor pashe
Moner e akashe
Amar ashepashe khuje
Kokhono paini toke
Chepe rakha obhiman joto
Sob bhule jete chai,
Mutho bondi durotto koto
Sob khule dite chai ,
Ayna sathe amar
Du haat barabo
Gaibo aksathe gaan,
Ayna sathe amar
Simana chharabo
Sajabo surer bagan,
Tara bhora raat
Hete jabo dur
Swopno mekhe duchokhe
Dana mela sob
Ichchhera roj
Amaderi jay deke..
Amar joto sur sob
Tor hoye jaak,
Rogin megh rod hoye ei
Jibon khuje pak,
Chepe rakha obhiman joto
Sob bhule jete chai,
Mutho bondi durotto koto
Sob khule dite chai,
Ayna sathe amar
Du haat barabo
Gaibo aksathe gaan,
Ayna sathe amar
Simana chharabo
Sajabo surer bagan.
Tui chhara aka
Tobu lukiyei dekha
Kikore boli toke
Jotoi tor pashe
Moner e akashe
Amar ashepashe khuje
Kokhono paini toke
Chepe rakha obhiman joto
Sob bhule jete chai,
Mutho bondi durotto koto
Sob khule dite chai ,
Ayna sathe amar
Du haat barabo
Gaibo aksathe gaan,
Ayna sathe amar
Simana chharabo
Sajabo surer bagan,
Tara bhora raat
Hete jabo dur
Swopno mekhe duchokhe
Dana mela sob
Ichchhera roj
Amaderi jay deke..
Amar joto sur sob
Tor hoye jaak,
Rogin megh rod hoye ei
Jibon khuje pak,
Chepe rakha obhiman joto
Sob bhule jete chai,
Mutho bondi durotto koto
Sob khule dite chai,
Ayna sathe amar
Du haat barabo
Gaibo aksathe gaan,
Ayna sathe amar
Simana chharabo
Sajabo surer bagan.
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